A Book Review from Julie Glaser: Will by Will Smith

By Julie Glaser

As soon as I saw the cover for Will by Will Smith, my spirit screamed, "YES!" The colors conveyed the energy of Will Smith, the energy I wanted to bring into my life. I tore through the pages gobbling up the mic drops and wise words along the way.  

Embrace the Power of Words
The first nugget of wisdom I received from this book was when Smith realized the power of words and creativity and decided to harness that power:

I sensed for the first time that I wasn't weak; in fact, I was infinitely powerful – I just had no control over it. My imagination was running wild with the possibilities. God had indeed blessed me with the gift of words. And that night, I was getting my first glimpse of the power of those words to alter and shape my reality.

And then I asked myself, If I have this much power, shouldn't I use it for good? Words can affect how people view themselves, how they treat each other, how they navigate the world. Words can build people up, or they can tear them down. I decided that night I wanted to use my words to empower others, to help rather than hurt.

Smith says this perfectly. We are infinitely powerful and don't realize it. We can choose to build or destroy. Our words make a difference every day in our lives and those around us. What a beautiful reminder that we are not helpless and can speak more of the life we want into existence.

Develop Creative Partnerships
The next scene that really struck me--slapped me silly with "I want this!"--was when Smith began working with Jazzy Jeff. They were living in an amazing time, on the cutting edge of a new genre of music that would grow into something they could never imagine. They existed in a cocoon of creativity and passion, and they had found a perfect partnership:

There are those rare moments as an artist that you can't quantify or measure. As much as you try, you can rarely reproduce them, and it's near impossible to describe them. But every artist knows what I'm talking about--those moments of divine inspiration where creativity flows out of you so brilliantly and effortlessly that somehow you are better than you have ever been before.  

That night with Jeff was the first time I ever tasted it, the place athletes call "the zone." It felt like we already existed as a group, and we just had to catch up to ourselves-natural, comfortable, home...

Ideas poured out of us like a fire hose, creativity ricocheting back and forth between us. Everything he said set off three ideas in my mind, and my responses had him holding his head and walking around in circles...

Everything was cutting-edge, everything was hot; it was experimental and inspiring. I never wanted to leave. We were seeking our sound, but we found ourselves.

Yes! I love this. After I read these words, I began to wonder how I can find this same creative energy in my own life. This is what it is about—creative partnership, living in the zone.

Almost immediately, I realized God is my creative partner. This has always been evident in my healing work and creative work, but Smith’s story helped me put words around something I have known all along. And what's more, all of the authors and healers who inspire me are also my creative partners in a sense. How cool that I have so many partners across time and space! There is no need to limit my sources of inspiration to the physical people who cross my path. 

Dream BIG!
I also love what Smith says about how view the advice that others offer:

When people give you advice, they're basing it on what they would do, what they can perceive, on what they think you can do. But the bottom line is, while yes, it is true that we are all subject to a series of universal laws, patterns, tides, and currents—all of which are somewhat predictable—you are the first time you've ever happened. YOU and NOW are a unique occurrence, of which you are the most reliable measure of all the possibilities.

Now that’s the solid truth. Smith discovered how to follow his inner guidance above all else because he is the expert who knows himself best. I need to remember this, too. I want to be better at trusting myself instead of looking to others to tell me what I need to do or think or create.

After looking at all that Smith has accomplished, at one point being the biggest movie star in the world, it is encouraging to learn that he experienced plenty of inner blocks along the way but still found success and growth. He writes, "I had held a secret dream for as long as I could remember. I didn't even feel comfortable dreaming it. I didn't deserve to dream this big. But in my quietest moments, alone, there was a consistent yearning, an emotional compass that was always trained on the Hollywood sign." 

I connect with this because I know what it's like to struggle with the feeling of unworthiness and the scariness of pursuing a dream that feels too big. But why do we limit ourselves when we see people flying? I feel in my spirit that I'm supposed to soar, so it's time for me to quit crawling and hiding out in my comfortable burrow. I can let the yearning inside of me be my guide.

Sing Your Song
The moment Smith describes the first manifestation of his dream coming true spoke to me on so many levels. Here he was, hearing his voice broadcasting into the world for all to hear. 

Smith writes:

It was my voice. That was me. On the radio. Me. My rhymes. My voice! I wanted to call people, but I didn't want to miss it…

I couldn't stop laughing. It was a joyful, blissful laughter. The pure joy of a child waking up on Christmas morning. The joy of discovery. Of renewed hope. Of a new life. The joy of being right about me.

We all long for our voice to be heard. We all need to share our amazing songs with the world. Our voice is so much of who we are--the unique way the spirit pushes through our lungs and vocal cords and transmits its truth into the world. Those magical moments when I finally let go, stop hiding, and project my voice both literally and figuratively out into the world are when I feel most free. And then I know the ultimate delight of being accepted and loved for who I am and the unique gifts I bring to the world! I feel this whenever I tell my story to others and they leave feeling inspired and expressing gratitude. I'm no longer afraid to stand in the light and be seen.  

Show up for Others
When I forget the wisdom that I have shared with others, people say my words back to me to encourage me. They sing my song! The feeling of connection and knowing we are in this together reminds me of my place in the universe and how big God is.

Smith provides a great example of how we show up for each other when we are experiencing difficulty and panic sets in:

This had never happened to me before. My heart dropped into my stomach. There are few things more embarrassing than forgetting the words to the one song that eighteen thousand people spent their hard-earned money to come and hear. But something miraculous happened: The entire crowd began to sing the lyrics back to me. 

Every person knew every word. I held the mic out to the crowd, and they finished the song. It took everything I had not to burst into tears. Thousands of people saying my words back to me. I felt loved, protected, and cradled by a crowd of strangers.

I love how people sing our song back to us when we need it the most!

And, when we are struggling, God tends to put the right person in our path. Smith recounts an old friend contacting him out of the blue: "It's weird how people can feel when you're seeking—higher curiosity seems to emit energy at a different frequency. As soon as you truly open to something different, it's like a cosmic shout into an energetic megaphone: YO! Where y'all at? You see I'm strugglin' over here?"

The same thing happens to me. Whether it is a friend calling me out of the blue or when I come across the perfect post on my Instagram feed, the answers I am seeking seem to seek me as well. When I'm paying attention, I notice the whole universe is working toward my expansion. 

Love Yourself
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Smith's memoir teaches us that we are more beautiful than we can imagine, and loving ourselves is the key to living our purpose. He says, "Desire is what you want; purpose is the flowering of what you are." So blossom into ALL that you are! As we love ourselves, we bloom and grow into the greatness of our unique gift.

Smith saw his great beauty through a vision during a spiritual ritual. I want to leave you with this vision and invite you to move toward hope as you remember your own beauty and holiness. Smith writes:

I begin to glide through an infinity of stars. I notice that they are not stars, as we know them. It is as if Picasso had painted outer space. Colors and cubes and angles—I am suddenly overwhelmed by the majesty of my surroundings. This is the most beautiful place I've ever been in my life. As I am distracted in awe, I can sense a presence behind me.

"Where are we?" I say to her softly.

"What do you mean, silly?" she says in a tone that melts away everything but bliss.

"This place is beautiful!" I say.

"This is not a place, silly," She kept endearingly calling me silly.

"I've never seen anywhere more beautiful than this," I said.

She laughs.

"Why does that make you laugh?" I ask.

"This is you, silly!" she said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"This is not a place, this is you."

My heart begins to race as I look around, bearing witness to the grandeur of this infinite paradise.

"Wait a minute," I say. "All of this is me?"

"Yes, silly."

"I'm this beautiful?"

"Of course you are," she says.

Julie Glaser is a healer who creates sacred spaces for people to share, release, and grow. She’s in the habit of being in awe and writes to share her experiences with other inquisitive souls who are walking the path of transformation. You can learn more about Julie and her work here. And you can follow her on Instagram here.


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