Contemplative Resources for
Readers and Writers

As we engage more deeply with the ancient streams of art and faith, how they inform one another, and how all of this can create profound new possibilities for belonging, we need ways to respond.

Through her work as a spiritual director for writers, artists, and those all along the belief-and-unbelief spectrum, Charlotte Donlon has collected mediations, liturgies, and resources for flourishing in the contemplative life. Find new rhythms, practices, and guides for contemplation and meditation now.

Explore: A Guide for Planning Your Individual Spiritual and Creative Retreat | Read, Write, & Pray with The Great Belonging | Read Write and Pray with The Book of Delights by Ross Gay

Writers and readers make art and engage with art in healthier ways when they embrace nourishing rhythms of rest, work, play, delight, creativity, silence, solitude, and adoration.


Essays and Articles Exploring Writing, Art, and Faith